Becoming a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider

Part 8: COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach

Helpful topics to consider when you are preparing for COVID-19 Vaccine Outreach.

Vaccination Outreach Tips

  • Offer a point of contact with any vaccine-related materials you share so patients can follow up with questions. Consider sharing printed materials with a phone number in case patients don’t have Internet access.
  • Talk to patients about your own vaccine experience. Share your reasons for getting vaccinated, concerns you had, and the information that made you feel confident about getting vaccinated. Be honest about side effects you experienced. Talk about getting your family members vaccinated. Encourage your staff to do the same, if they are comfortable sharing.
  • Make the invitation personal. Instead of a “Dear Patient” mass email, personalize your correspondence–“Dear Darren.” Sign the outreach email personally from the primary healthcare provider. Find a sample letter from health care providers to their patients on CDC’s website.
  • Offer virtual “office hours” for patients who want to ask questions. This could be someone on call at a specific time or setting up a time to interact with patients and families via web conference call or on a livestream to share key messages about vaccination.
  • Make vaccination the social norm. Highlight how many people are getting vaccinated where applicable to encourage vaccination (e.g., 87% of my patients over 50 have gotten their COVID-19 vaccine. Get yours today!)

Community Partnerships

Partnering with community-based organizations can help to:

  • Build vaccine demand
  • Encourage and support vaccination sign-up
  • Improve access to vaccination opportunities offered by your office
  • Organize a vaccine event at your office

Reference: Guide for Community Partners for more information on how to partner with local organizations

    On-Site Vaccination Request:

    If you want to host a weekend, evening or weekday clinic and you don’t have enough  staff, sign up for an on-site vaccination event at, and the DOH can send a team to support you!